我叫陳弘毅,過去同事們習慣叫我的英文名字 Brian,過去 2 ~ 3 年專注在網頁前端、APP 開發,前端熟悉 React/React Native 生態系,後端熟悉 Node.js 生態系,參與過 4 個 production 專案,有建置 React E2E 測試經驗。
我熱愛學習以及挑戰,過去團隊中,每當要分配 sprint 的 ticket 的時候,我總是第一個爭取做最複雜、困難的功能,即便當下我可能對這個要開發功能完全不了解,但我願花大量時間研究、實作且在每個 sprint 都能準時交付功能,也因此在過去的兩年內,我重構了系統主功能、建置 E2E 測試、實作藍芽功能、實作 iOS widget 與 React Native 串接,為了加強基礎以及學習後端開發,我在今年 3 月離職,專注在將基礎打穩和學習後端開發,因為我希望我能不只當一個前端工程師
我熱愛分享,過去在前公司,我常常在週會分享看到的新技術或設計方式,其實包含推廣 Typescript 、React Hooks 和 React 元件設計模式等等,我熱愛學習、更熱愛與人分享以及交流我的學習成果,因為我深信教學就是學習最好的方式
Hello! My name is Brian. I’m a frontend/APP developer has over 3 years experience. Familiar with React and Node.js ecosystem. My primary programming language is TypeScript. Participated in four production projects. Have experience build E2E testing infrastructure and CI process. Currently seeking for opportunities to transition from frontend development to backend development.
I love learning and challenges. In the past 2 years , i always the one willing to take on the most complex and challenging task when assigning ticket every sprint. Even though, i didn’t fully understand how to develop the feature or functionality. I would spend a lot time to survey and implement the feature and deliver the requirement on time. Therefore, in past two years, i refactored core functionality in project, construct E2E test, implement bluetooth and iOS Widget on React Native project. I left my previous company in this March for learning more about the fundamental of computer science and backend development because i want to be more than a frontend dev.
I love sharing my learnings. At previous company, i often shared new technologies and design pattern on weekly meeting including TypesScript, React Hooks, React component design patterns and more. Because i believe in teaching is the best way of learning.